Get higher SAT & ACT test scores and get into your top-choice colleges by studying with the excellent tutors at Love the SAT Test Prep. We are proud to be Austin’s top-rated tutoring center for SAT and ACT test prep!Today, colleges and scholarships place more emphasis on SAT & ACT scores than ever before. It’s essential to raise your scores on the SAT or ACT test if you want to stay competitive and get into your top-choice college.Do you have questions about SAT or ACT test prep? Want to know which test is better for YOUR situation, and what your study plan should be?Contact us today for a FREE personalized consultation for your SAT / ACT prep study plan. We *only* focus on the SAT & ACT prep niche to deliver the best up-to-date testing strategies and advice.Don’t wait until you have to cram. Many families are so busy with the demands of high school that they leave SAT & ACT prep until the last minute – then regret not starting the process sooner. Reach out to us today and one of our specialists will answer all your questions about SAT & ACT preparation in a FREE personalized consultation.Join us for SAT & ACT 1-on-1 prep tutoring and small-group classes in Austin. Contact us today to schedule your FREE personalized consultation! History Established in 2010. In 2010, Love the SAT Test Prep was founded by our owner, Christian, to tutor SAT & ACT prep in Austin, TX.In 2012 we moved into our first office and added SAT & ACT Group Classes. We kept classes small at a max of just 8 students. A high level of instructor attention has always been part of the secret behind our students’ success stories.In 2014 we moved into a larger office and started growing our team to teach more students, offer better & faster service, and provide each family with the expert quality of SAT & ACT prep that we’re known for.In 2016 our founder was invited to teach SAT prep in Chengdu, China, proving the worldwide reputation we’ve acquired from our small home base in Austin.Today, we just keep getting better. Our growth has come via family word-of-mouth & counselor recommendations. Over 50% of our new students are recommended to us by friends or family.Contact us today for a FREE personalized consultation to start your own SAT & ACT prep success story!
Austin local & business founder Christian Heath is one of the world's foremost professional SAT & ACT prep tutors, with hundreds of successful students and perfect scores in each section of both the SAT & ACT tests.In addition to beating the SAT & ACT and developing curriculum, Christian's role is to constantly guide & improve the company to better assist students, moms, and dads in making their long-term SAT & ACT prep decisions. In his spare time, he writes songs, plays piano, guitar, and synthesizer, reads every day, and enjoys riding motorcycles through the Hill Country.Christian is also the author and a contributing author of over ten textbooks & online courses focused on SAT & ACT prep and college readiness. He's written hundreds of blog articles, many of which are available for free on our website.Contact us today for a FREE personalized consultation to get higher SAT & ACT scores of your own! Love the Sat also recommends LZM Studio 7 reviews Art Schools Christian H. says, �Laurie is an inspiring and talented art instructor!�
3908 Far West Blvd, Austin, TX, 78731 United States