Strongin Learning specializes in private one-on-one tutoring for all ages and levels/grades. We cater to each and every student’s needs and goals individually. Whether it’s homework help, standardized or class test preparation, skill-building, subject improvement, reading comprehension, writing, organization of homework, time management, and more, our private tutors will work with the student extensively to make sure he/she meets his/her academic goals! History Established in 2014. Lindsay Strongin began tutoring when she herself was a student in high school. Graduating as valedictorian and maintaining a stellar record throughout college, all while tutoring her colleagues and friends, she graduated and went on to start a small tutoring business. Primarily tutoring herself through the years, Strongin Learning has grown via word of mouth. Lindsay made the decision to expand into an official “business” and joined Yelp in 2018.
Strongin Learning is a private, specialized tutoring organization founded by Lindsay Strongin, a USC alumnus, writer/creator of the E-Guide The Perfect Paper, and all-around expert in mastery of school/institutional schooling. Lindsay created Strongin Learning to help students overcome the challenges of institutional and standardized education, as well as the challenges they personally struggle with in their own learning style and abilities.
North Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, 90028 United States