Tier One provides customized, in-home tutoring for the SAT, ACT and all school subjects. Our trained tutors are true experts in their fields and only use the best resources available. We have our own unique “Study Smart” system for SAT and ACT success and all of our tutors are specially trained in the program. Our renowned system has been taught to over 10,000 students across Southern California since 2004.Finally, we offer a no-cost, no-obligation SAT, ACT and college admissions consultation. During this free in-home assessment, you and your child will be meeting with a renowned expert in the field of test preparation and will have the opportunity to evaluate which exam (SAT vs ACT) is the right fit, perform a skills assessment, develop a personalized study approach and ensure that you are as informed as possible about this all too often daunting confusing process. To get more information about our private tutoring or to book your free consultation, give us a call today! History Established in 2004. My name is Steve Dorfman, and I am a co-founder of Tier One Tutors.In the summer of 2004, my best friend, Brian Mupo, and I decided to found a tutoring company. Working from my childhood bedroom at my parents’ home in the San Fernando Valley, we started to lay the groundwork for what would eventually become Tier One Tutors.Beginning with just two tutors, we mostly solicited business from friends and family members who lived in the area. However, we quickly made a name for ourselves because of our relentless pursuit for excellence and our commitment to every student..Shortly thereafter, we turned to the SAT. After a full year of exhaustive research and development, we created our first “Study Smart” system for SAT success. We have also branched out into tutoring ACT as well as any and all subjects pre-college.Today, our program has been taught to over 10,000 local students via private tutoring and group classes and we have partnered with nearly 100 schools across the Southland.
Steve Dorfman is the co-founder and owner of Tier One Tutors. Over the past decade, he has trained over 300 SAT and ACT instructors, authored three SAT coursebooks, taught over 1,000 students the intricacies of the SAT and ACT and has lectured at dozens of high schools across Southern California. As a UCLA graduate, Steve understands just how difficult and confusing the college admissions process can be. Plus, as a father, he can relate to the worry and anxiety parents feel when trying to steer their child towards a path of success. Steve utilizes his trademarked passion for test preparation to help provide customized guidance for families and assist in empowering students to reach their greatest potential.
6345 Balboa BlvdBldg 4, Encino, CA, 91316 United States
5535 Balboa Boulevard Suite 217, Encino, CA, 91316 United States