Excellent Sciences, Literacy, Arts, & Math Tutoring in the heart of Sherman Oaks!Private tutoring available seven days by appointment, homework hour, homework help, common core, academic coaching, Common Core, Study Space, geometry, physics, AP calculus, astronomy, geology, social sciences, geography, history, literature, reading, writing, comprehension, poetry, mathematics, number sense, fractions, conversions, pre-algebra, algebra I, algebra II, geometric constructions, geometric models, geometric proofs, trigonometry, math analysis, pre-calculus, calc., calculus, calc. II, linear algebra, finite math, statistics, testing, test preparation, test prep., study skills, organization for school success, educational planning, consulting. Private tutors, group tutoring, classes, adult classes, high school, middle school, high school, elementary, beginner, intermediate, SAT, S.A.T., ACT, A.C.T., GRE, G.R.E., logic, critical thinking, strategies, short cuts, tricks, mental math, standard math, international math, best practices, Euclidian, linear, planar, Cartesian, standards-based, common core, Spanish, French, fun CAMPs, workshops! Educational rental space. Writers’ space. Workshop space. Hourly or monthly rentals. History Established in 1996. The SLAM philosophy evolved from the UCLA Math Project and Mathnasium of Sherman Oaks through the demands of families to serve all academic and educational areas for high school, middle school, and elementary students. SLAM’s name emerged quidkly in response to our students’ demand for a cool name for the multi-subject independent identity SLAM still has today. Originally, For the Love of Learning sounded like a great name, but our students wanted a “cool” name, so SLAM! was named from the initials on our business cards… Science, Literature, Arts, and Math. �The name has since be
4612 Vista Del Monte Ave. #6, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91403 United States
13719 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91423 United States